Distance Live online workshop
- Considering the use of distance sampling for population assessment?
- Wish to have individual attention learning to analyse distance sampling data sets?
- Difficult to schedule and finance such training in Scotland?
- Consider taking the live online version of distance sampling training.
When is the workshop happening?
The interactive online training workshop is scheduled for 04-15 May, 2020, 17:00-19:00 UK time.
For information about the next workshop please contact Eric Rexstad, email: [email protected]
In the first instance, the workshop will be based upon analyses using the Distance package in R. All participants will make use of the cloud version of R-Studio. Participants will not need to install R software onto their computers. Instead R, the R-Studio programming environment, necessary packages and data sets will all be available when you access the RStudio Cloud site created for the workshop. You should have some familiarity with the R programming language; however code will be provided for running the 9 exercises in the workshop.
Concepts described
Distance sampling concepts to be discussed include
- line transects
- point transects
- survey design
- detection function models
- model selection
- estimation of uncertainty
- identifying sources of uncertainty in estimates
- geographic stratification for variance reduction
- indirect surveys
- dung or nest surveys and use of multipliers
Enrolment limit
The number of participants is limited to 15 to faciltiate time for questions and individual assistance with the exercises (via screen share capability of the Zoom software). When the enrolment limit is reached, we will schedule the next training workshop. We envision offering the workshop perhaps 4-5 times during the year; some based upon using R for analysis, others using Distance for Windows for analysis.
Registration and Payment
Please register using the registration form below.
Payment should be made using the online store at the University of St Andrews. Please follow this link to make payment. You will be asked to register if it is your first visit to the store.
When participants have paid their registration fee, further details will be provided regarding
- scheduling a test Zoom session with the instructor to ensure the internet connection is smooth
- access to the RStudio cloud site for the training workshop
- location of the online lecture materials
Please contact:
Eric Rexstad, Organiser and Instructor
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
University of St Andrews
The Observatory, Buchanan Gardens
St. Andrews
Scotland KY16 9LZ
Email: [email protected]